We encourage every learner to develop in four ways - in their academic studies and also in their physical, cultural and pastoral endeavours. Our relatively small school family enables us to guide every Port Rexian to achieve their goals, in all spheres of school life.

At Port Rex Technical High School it is compulsory to take part in one summer and one winter sport where the learners learn many different skills and life skills. These skills include sportsmanship, commitment, dedication and the ability to work effectively as a team in a social environment. Learners who excel at school sport and meet the prescribed criteria of the school are recognised through the Merit and Colours Awards System.


  • Athletics

  • Cricket

  • Cross Country

  • Golf

  • Hockey

  • Rugby

  • Squash

  • Tennis

  • Netball

Rugby, hockey and netball matches are the major spirit builders in the school year! Coaching is provided free of charge by staff and in addition to the staff the school also employs a number of professional outside coaches to assist. Further to this, all sporting codes at Port Rex are supported by our very own First Aid Team.


Port Rex Technical High School is very fortunate to have a number of excellent sporting facilities on our campus. Our facilities are set among tall trees and well-kept gardens with spectacular panoramic sea and Ihlanza River Valley views. We have 2 squash courts, 4 tennis courts, cricket nets and 3 dual-function fields that are used for cricket, hockey and rugby.

The cultural department at Port Rex Technical High School aims at developing well-rounded and balanced learners by fostering creativity and enabling learners to build confidence and gain recognition through these activities. Learners who choose to participate and excel in these activities are recognised and in some cases, Colours Awards are made according to the school’s criteria.


  • Debating

  • Scripture Union

  • Library

  • First Aid

  • Interact

  • Cultural Society

The pastoral department is entrusted with the creation of a happy atmosphere in which each individual can fulfil their potential. We maintain firm discipline with the purpose of developing our learners’ self-discipline. We have a tried and tested system at Port Rex Technical High School.

Each grade has a Grade Head and each class has a class teacher and two class representatives who are democratically elected by the learners of the class. This gives each learner access to higher authority, should they experience any problems. Grade Heads continually monitor the progress of their charges in all spheres of school life.


We are so proud of the contributions made by our learners in a variety of fields associated with the functioning of our school. We believe that the willingness of our learners to take on these tasks is beneficial for the future of our community as far as commitment and co-operation are concerned.

Leadership is an area that enjoys particular attention at Port Rex. Each year we hold a Junior Leader Camp for Grade 11 learners at Cefane Beach Resort. The purpose is to inculcate into these learners an awareness of teamwork and their leadership roles that they should be fulfilling. At the start of each school year, we hold a Grade 8 camp at Cefane, to help integrate the new members of our school family. At this event prefects take charge and the large staff representation keeps an eye on events.

The Port Rex Ethos

This school encourages learners to develop self-tolerance, self-discipline, critical thinking and a striving for excellence. Port Rex is small enough to develop meaningful relationships between learners and staff. We insist on a high standard of neatness and courtesy from learners - however it is preferable that this develops out of genuine respect and pride rather than being demanded from reluctant learners. We encourage every learner to develop in four ways, in their academic studies, but also in their physical, cultural and pastoral endeavours.

Nov 7, 2023

Prize Giving 2023

Celebrating Excellence and Success: Port Rex Technical High School’s Remarkable Annual Prize Giving Ceremony Port Rex Technical High School’s De La Salle Hall was the setting […]